A generic optimisation-based approach for improving non-intrusive load monitoring
He, K., Jakovetic, D., Zhao, B., Stankovic, V., Stankovic, L. & Cheng, S., 13 Mar 2019, (Accepted/In press) In : IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 9 p.
He, K., Jakovetic, D., Zhao, B., Stankovic, V., Stankovic, L. & Cheng, S., 13 Mar 2019, (Accepted/In press) In : IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 9 p.
3rd SENSIBLE Workshop on Networks of Things, will be held in Novi Sad, from 8th until 9th April 2019.
On 06/02/2019, Dr Vojtech Simak from UNIZA gave a seminar on “Design of Low Power RFID Devices” at FTN.
Prof. Branka Vucetic, from University of Sydney, visited FTN on 18.01.2019, and delivered a seminar “Research at the University of Sydney Centre for IoT and Telecommunications”.
Three papers accepted at IEEE ICASSP-2019 Conference, including joint work between Strathclyde and PanonIT on NILM and Strathclyde and NII on deep graph regularised learning. The work of Strathclyde and Tongji on graph signal processing will also be presented.
On October 2nd, 2018, David Murray, STRATH, presented joint work between STRATH and PAN, on Transferable Learning for Low-rate NILM using Deep Neural Network Architectures, at NILM EU Workshop 2018, predominately attended by industry. The link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL4NGFnJrdg
In September 2018, Dr Dejan Vukobratovic gave a lecture on Internet of Things Solutions in 4G and 5G Mobile Cellular Networks, to 4th year students at Tongji University, as part of Modern Information and Communications Technology course. The lecture was given during his 2-month SENSIBLE visit to Tongji University.
Lina and Vladimir Stankovic presented project results at Transforming Energy Demand through Digital Innovation (TEDDI) Final Event in London, on June 15th, 2018. The poster, “Low-rate energy disaggregation: Lessons learnt and key challenges for widespread adoption,” co-authored with D. Murray, B. Zhao, and K. He, all SENSIBLE secondees, received a lot of attention from audience, including Read more about Project Showcase at TEDDI Final Event[…]
Vladimir Stankovic gave a seminar at CIRRUS LOGIC (https://cirrus.com), Edinburgh’s office on novel graph signal processing methods for smart homes and building. The lecture was recorded and will be accessible by CIRRUS LOGIC employees around the globe. The lecture was used to present some of the results developed as part of SENSIBLE and promote the Read more about Graph Signal Processing with Applications to Smart Home[…]
D. Bajovic, K. He, D. Vukobratovic, L. Stankovic, and V. Stankovic, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, June 2018, accepted. Open access link: https://pure.strath.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/optimal-detection-and-error-exponents-for-hidden-semi-markov-models(c4c41ce8-cf61-43a0-904d-d0576c8819ff).html