We are pleased to report that SENSIBLE has been invited to showcase contributions of the project relevant to the sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence research covering the themes of health, environment, and the digital world at the MSCA Artificial Intelligence Cluster Event organised by the REA. To this effect, Vladimir and Lina Stankovic will be presenting Read more about SENSIBLE at MSCA AI Cluster[…]

4th SENSIBLE Workshop on Photonics

The 4th SENSIBLE workshop took place in Madrid, 16-18 October, 2019. The first half of Day 1 focused on joint research outputs pertaining to photonics and sensing within SENSIBLE Project. The second half was focused on external invitees, from industry and academia, sharing their research contributions to photonics and sensing. The second day focused on Read more about 4th SENSIBLE Workshop on Photonics[…]

SENSIBLE Dissemination at US-SERBIA and West Balkan Data Science Workshop

Dr Dragana Bajovic (University of Novi Sad) is disseminating SENSIBLE project and SENSIBLE results of the Novi Sad, FTN collaboration with Strathclyde at the US-SERBIA and West Balkan Data Science Workshop, under the Data Science Foundations Track on 26-28 August 2018, with contribution entitled “Hidden semi-Markov models: applications, methodological advances, and optimal detection”.

2nd SENSIBLE Workshop

SENSIBLE 2nd workshop on Smart Buildings and Smart Grid, organised jointly by University of Strathclyde and Ramboll took place on 6/6/2018-8/6/2018 in Glasgow. The workshop coincided with SENSIBLE project mid-term meeting. The workshop was attended  by representatives from each beneficiary and partner, REA representatives (project officer and Head of Sector) and secondees. The REA representatives Read more about 2nd SENSIBLE Workshop[…]

Paper Award

The paper entitled “Post-processing for event-based non-intrusive load monitoring,” by K. He, D. Jakovetic, L. Stankovic, and V. Stankovic, received the Honourable Mention (top 3 papers) award at International NILM-2018 Workshop, March 2018, Austin, USA. The paper is the result of joint research between researchers from the University of Strathclyde and University of Novi Sad. The Read more about Paper Award[…]


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