Patents & Microspectrometers

Aitor V. Velasco, CSIC delivered an introductory seminar about patent protection to students and research staff at the University of Zilina in April 2017. The presentation covered several topics including patent requirements, prior-art analysis, strategies and application processes. Particular examples and exercises were based on the “Star wars” movies to make it more appealing to a broader audience. Tips and precautions to maximize the success chances of patent applications were also discussed.
Another seminar was organised where Aitor V. Velasco reviewed the basics of spatially-heterodyne Fourier transform microspectrometers, and analysed the latest advances of CSIC regarding this topic. The seminar started with a review of the operation principle, followed by a more detailed description of specific implementations with spiral waveguides, subwavelength gratings and interferometers adapted to the mid-infrared. Finally, the latest data-treatment techniques to improve spectral retrieval were discussed. Both University of Zilina students and research staff atended the presentation.

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