Talk at EU NILM Workshop 2017

Lina Stankovic presented SENSIBLE aims and the latest results pertaining to Non Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) at the NILM EU 2017 Workshop on 6-7 November 2017 in London. The collaborative work of ESR Srdjan Lulic on Deep Learning based NILM with the Strathclyde researchers during his secondment was presented, as well as results from ESR Bochao Zhao’s secondment to Tongji University in Shanghai on Graph Signal Processing based NILM. ESR Kanghang He also presented his research findings on NILM accuracy estimation. The workshop was attended by a growing European NILM community of academics, research intensive SMEs and energy industry, and provided the opportunity to network with like-minded researchers and industrial stakeholders with connections made for future collaboration.
Talks (External Site)

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